Blasthole Cleaner
The hydro powered blasthole cleaner is used to remove drill cuttings and water from drilled blastholes before charging with explosives. It ensures that the hole can be charged to the full depth and that excess water is removed – especially important if ANFEX is being used to avoid misfires and short breaking.
The blasthole cleaner has a powerful spraying action and may also be used to remove misfires, following to normal mine safety procedures.
The blasthole cleaner consists of a main body that is connected to lance with a nozzle at the extreme end. The nozzle has a number of small holes that are used to alternately spray and suck water out of the hole.
The lance is inserted in the hole and when the control lever is opened water is sprayed into the hole, forcing out the sludge and drilling cuttings. The hole is then sucked dry by moving the control lever to the drying position.
Waste water is expelled out through the short discharge hose. A bend on the outlet serves as a handle and prevents the high velocity jet from impinging directly on the hose.
Operating positions:
- Shut off
- Flushing – high pressure water is sprayed into the bottom of the hole via 8 nozzles to wash out drilling cuttings.
- Drying – water flow through the body causes a jet-pump effect which sucks excess water out of the blasthole via the 8 nozzles.
- Integrated handle and discharge hose for ease of use.
- Length of cleaning lance to suit required hole depth.